Get the most out of your Tennessee travels by stopping at a Welcome Center for information, snacks and breaks.
Tennessee Department of Tourist Development operates 16 state Welcome Centers and maintains brochures in 19 state Rest Areas across Tennessee. Both sets of facilities are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, except for I-40 Shelby County (Memphis) Welcome Center, which is closed every evening at 10pm. All 16 Tennessee Welcome Centers have cleaning and sanitization processes in place, as well as plexiglass barriers around the counter for extra precaution. In order to provide a safe and high-quality visitor experience for both our guests and staff, Tennessee Welcome Centers may occasionally close for short periods of time to deep clean facilities.
Tennessee Welcome Centers have a variety of brochures to help educate new and returning visitors of attractions, restaurants, hotels and more that can be found across the state. All centers are ADA compliant and have a pet area available. Find each Welcome Center's contact information below or visit their page for additional information. For more information, contact Tennessee Welcome Centers at the email below.
Main Address: Wm. Snodgrass Bldg., Tennessee Tower, 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, 13th Floor, Nashville, TN 37243.
Email: Welcome.Centers@TN.gov.
Already visited a Welcome Center? We'd love to hear from you!
Be sure to visit TDOT SmartWay for the latest road conditions.
Welcome Centers of West Tennessee
I-55 Welcome Center Memphis/Shelby County
3910 Interstate 55, Mile Marker 310 North Bound, on the Mississippi Line
Memphis, TN 38116
Phone: (901) 345-5956
I-40 Welcome Center Memphis/Shelby County
I-40, Mile Marker 0.30
119 North Riverside Drive
Memphis, TN 38103
Phone: (901) 543-6757
Fax: (901) 543-6324
I-40 Haywood County Solar Farm Welcome Center
I-40, Mile Marker 44, Westbound
Stanton, TN 38069
Phone: (731) 779-1212
I-155 Welcome Center Dyersburg/Dyer County
I-155 Eastbound, Mile Marker 8.7
Dyersburg, TN 38024
Phone: (731) 286-8323
Fax: (731) 286-8324
Welcome Centers of Middle Tennessee
I-65 Welcome Center Mitchellville/Robertson County
I-65 Southbound, Mile Marker 121
6111 Lake Spring Road
Portland, TN 37148
Phone: (615) 325-4721
Fax: (615) 325-7093
I-24 Welcome Center Clarksville/Montgomery County
I-24 Northwest of Nashville on Kentucky Line
Mile Marker 0.40
Clarksville, TN 37040
Phone: (931) 648-5509
Fax: (931) 648-5510
I-65 Welcome Center Ardmore/Giles County
I-65, North bound, Mile Marker 3
south of Nashville on the Alabama line
Ardmore, TN 38449
Phone: (931) 468-2654
Fax: (931) 468-2555
I-40 Welcome Center Smith County
I-40, Mile Marker 267
Carthage, TN 37030
Phone: (615) 683-6410
Fax: (615) 683-6553
Welcome Centers of East Tennessee
I-81 Welcome Center Bristol/Sullivan County
10749 Interstate 81
Southbound, Mile Marker 75.3
Bristol, TN 37620
Phone: (423) 764-5821
Fax: (423) 764-1011
I-24 Welcome Center Tiftonia/Hamilton County
17180 Interstate 24
Eastbound, Mile Marker 171.8
Chattanooga, TN 37419
Phone: (423) 821-2628
Fax: (423) 821-4895
I-24 Welcome Center Nickajack/Marion County
I-24 West Bound
Mile Marker 160
Jasper, TN 37347
Phone: (423) 942-0933
Fax: (423) 942-5724
I-75 Welcome Center Jellico/Campbell County
16320 I-75, Southbound
Mile Marker 161
Jellico, TN 37762
Phone: (423) 784-5820
Fax: (423) 784-7738
I-75 Welcome Center Chattanooga/Hamilton County
100 Interstate 75
Northbound, Mile Marker 0.7
East Ridge, TN 37412
Phone: (423) 894-6399
Fax: (423) 892-7723
I-26 Welcome Center Erwin/Unicoi County
I-26, East & West bound
Mile Marker/Exit 46
Clear Branch Road on
100 Fiddlers Lane
Erwin, TN 37650
Phone: (423) 743-4146
Fax: (423) 743-4239
I-26 Welcome Center Kingsport/Sullivan County
5 Interstate I-26
Mile Marker 5
Kingsport, TN 37664
Phone: (423) 246-0214
Fax: (423) 246-0218
I-40 Welcome Center Hartford/Cocke County
I-40, Mile Marker 446
Hartford, TN 37753
Phone: (423) 487-3258
Fax: (423) 487-3928