The ultimate guide for the ultimate family vacation
Request your free Tennessee Playcation Kid's Guide Below.
How can you be sure the kids are going to love your next family vacation? By getting them to help plan the trip, of course. This travel guide was made to entertain pint-sized travelers, and introduce them to some of Tennessee’s best kid-friendly destinations.
It’s part travel guide, part activity book and a whole lot of fun. To get your kids excited about your family’s next big adventure, request yours today.
For any issues regarding missing or defective pieces, please contact Impact Photographics directly by emailing customerservice@impactphotographics.com
Shipping will take 1-2 weeks although delays are possible.
7+, you can find more information on theminiblock.com
Answers to the activities can be found on page 94-95 of the guide. You can also check you work here: LINK TO PDF OF ANSWERS
Toys are not available for international shipping but you can buy select toys at gift shops when you visit Tennessee.
Yep. You can download a PDF of them here. LINK TO PDF OF PRINT-FRIENDLY ACTIVITY PAGES
Unfortunately, no. All 10 butterfly tickets have been found and claimed.
We think the best family travel advice comes from families. And in this case: kids. By drawing their favorite thing from your trip to Tennessee, they’re showing other kids the amazing adventures that are waiting for them here. What’s even cooler is the best drawings will be featured in our advertising, too.
While there might not be a prize, your kid’s art will be featured in our advertising materials -- complete with a shoutout to the artist. Which is pretty awesome if we say so ourselves.