Discover Roane County
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Roane Medical Center
Health Care
Roane Medical Center
- 236 physicians and 54 beds: 54 private rooms and 15 emergency suites
- ‘Top Performer on Key Quality Measures’ by the Joint Commission
- Top 10% of hospitals nationwide in preventing hospital-acquired infections.
VA Clinic in Harriman

Watts Bar Lake
Top Attractions
- Manhattan Project National Historical Park
- Whitestone Inn
- Fort Southwest Point
- Watts Bar Lake / Tennessee RiverLine
- Princess Theatre
- Tennessee Medieval Faire
- Smokin’ the Water
- Historic Christmas Home Tours

Downtown Harriman
Enjoy trails, parks and wildlife management areas from land or anchor in a private cove on the water. Buy local at a variety of boutiques, farmers markets, and old-fashioned soda fountains.
Ladd Landing: www.laddlanding.com
Grande Vista Bay: www.grandevistabay.com
The Preserve: www.thepreserveatclinchriver.net
Forest Creek Village: www.forestcreektn.com
“After several years of averaging six weeks a year looking at waterfront property, we nally discovered our ideal property in Roane County.”
Sally Peterka
Examples of Living in Roane County
It’s all about the beauty and recreation here. Whether you’re on Watts Bar Lake or the surrounding Cumberland Mountain Plateau, there’s the backdrop of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the Tennessee Valley and the four distinct seasons.