In 1922 Archibald D. Butterfield bought this hilltop land and built an eighteen-room Colonial Revival mansion, and transformed the adjacent Civil War fort into a rustic garden. Butterfield died in 1926, and a series of occupants have owned the house. Since 1990, the Humphreys County museum has occupied the house, and later the historic post office from Denver, Tennessee was moved to the site. The Butterfield House and Fort Hill were placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2001.
The Museum includes a Civil War room, World War I room, World War II building, Jesse James exhibit, Captain Anderson exhibit and other interesting collections donated by Humphreys County residents. According to the Civil War Trails this museum houses the best-preserved earthen fort in Tennessee. The Denver, Tennessee Post Office (1914) moved to the Museum site in 1996.
The items on exhibit are items that belonged to Humphreys County native son, William R. Anderson, Commander of the Nautilus Submarine; the first submarine to ever to travel under the North Pole.
For the most up-to-date hours and information, please contact Humphreys County Museum / Butterfield House directly.