Final Flight Outfitters Inc. is a mail-order catalog company, ecommerce site, and waterfowl retail store located in Union City, TN. Final Flight specializes in retailing high-end waterfowl products for the consumer. Founded by brothers, Jon Ed, Tripp, & Kelley Powers, Final Flight Outfitters Inc. is continually expanding and growing rapidly to serve hunters throughout the country. The family business, which started in 1998 out of a storage trailer, now offers a product showroom of over 25,000 square feet which contains a large selection of outdoor gear including clothes, firearms, ammunition, decoys, footwear, hunting accessories, casual clothing, and much more. Final Flight Outfitters Inc. started as a small, mail-order business which mailed out annually around 5,000 catalogs. They have now increased this to an annual mailing of over 100,000 copies with catalogs being mailed to hunters in 40 different states as well as Canada and Mexico. With the catalog expansion and the retail brick and mortar expansion, Final Flight Outfitters Inc. has seen their in-store traffic increase tremendously in the last several years. It is not uncommon to have customers arrive by foot, vehicle, and even air from all different parts of the country. Additionally, Final Flight Outfitters Inc. has been the proud host for many nationally recognized events such as the televised Super Retriever Series, the HRC Grand, HRC Hunt Tests, US Open Duck Calling Contest, Grand American Duck Calling Contest, TN State Duck & Goose Calling Contests, and many more. Final Flight also hosts Tennessee state certified hunter safety course classes as well as conducting firearm concealed carry classes. These classes educate attendees about firearm legislation, self-defense in emergency situations, and safe firearm operation.
Awards and achievements: Final Flight Outfitters Inc. is a former recipient of the TN Small Business of the Year award given by the U.S. Small Business Administration. Featured in multiple digital & print publications including Shooting Industry Magazine, National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), National Rifle Association (NRA), Wildfowl Magazine, Ducks Unlimited, and many more. Final Flight Outfitters Inc. was honored by Ducks Unlimited with the Outstanding Life Sponsor Award. Kelley Powers honored with an award started in Kelley’s name entitled the "Kelley Powers Humanitarian Award.” The Live For A Cure Foundation of Chicago, IL gives this award yearly to individuals that display outstanding outdoor humanitarian efforts. At 21 years of age, co-owner Kelley Powers had already won the World Goose Calling Championship and the World Goose Champion of Champions forcing him to retire from this pinnacle-calling event. Three years later, he won the International Contest followed by the Masters, World Open, and later the Worldwide which collectively of all major contests, is a feat that has never been achieved by any other individual. His list of calling titles is endless and not exclusively concentrated on goose calling. He is also a four-time winner of the World Open Meat Duck calling event. Company’s Community Involvement: List of organizations that the owners and / or employees have been involved in the past few years. Obion County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Northwest TN Fellowship of Christian Athletes Board of Directors, Weakley County Young Professionals, Young Professionals of Obion County, Southeastern Outdoor Press Association (SEOPA), Investment in hundreds of UT Martin students through employment cultivating attitudes, character, and work ethic. Kelley Powers is MC and host for the World Goose Calling Championships held annually in Easton Maryland in conjunction with the nationally known Waterfowl Festival. Over the years, Final Flight Outfitters Inc. has been a strong monetary donor consisting in the hundreds of thousands of dollars by partnering with many local and national organizations for their cause. It is these organizations and personalities that truly make our community a better place.
Their “Why” Factor Final Flight Outfitters Inc. makes it a priority to not only share what they do, but evermore so it is important for them to share why they do it. From the very start in 1998, they desired to hold onto the beauty of human relationship and interaction by providing relational customer service for the outdoor community both locally and nationally. With continual changing of technology, business ethics, and how people shop, they never want to lose sight that their number one priority is growing a relationship with the customer and serving them well. They embrace these new changes of technology, marketing, media, and the ease of shopping online, but Final Flight Outfitters Inc. will always be advocates of personal relationships with their customers. Their customer’s success in the field, is Final Flight Outfitters Inc. success as a company. You can shop with Final Flight Outfitters at their retail store in Union City, TN, shop online at www.finalflight.net or place an order over the phone from their mail-order catalog. For more information contact Final Flight Outfitters at sales@finalflight.net or call toll-free 1-866-FLIGHT9.
For the most up-to-date hours and information, please contact Final Flight Outfitters Inc directly.