Collection of Historic Photographs, depicting street scenes from 1890s to 1970s, and historic finds on display from schools and past businesses. Some items are on loan from local individuals that depict tidbits of history of the area. Some items are held on rotating basis. We have pictures of all former Mayors.
The Scotts Hill Heritage Collection is an aggregation of historical documents and items, donated in part by area citizens themselves. The purpose of the exhibit, which opened in November 2011, is " to let people know of the history of Scotts Hill before it's all gone ". The collection is divided into five sections covering various aspects of Scotts Hill's history.
The city which was first settled in 1825 and incorporated in 1917, it is named for its first merchant, Micajah Scott. The business district gives insight into many of the other early companies, and has information on each of the town's past mayors. In the education display, visitors can see a blueprint from 1964, showing plans for the school building constructed to replace one dating back to 1925. The family of one of the area's most eminent physicians, Dr. R.L. Wylie, donated some of his tools and equipment. Wylie practiced in Scotts Hill for about a half a century before retiring in 1952.
The exhibit also features usual items visitors won't find anywhere else---like a handmade wooden tricycle. Scotts Hill has taken bold steps to ensure that its past is respected and preserved for future generations.
For the most up-to-date hours and information, please contact Scotts Hill Heritage Collection directly.
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