Greetings Explorers!
When you visit Lawrence County, you will see some of the great features that have attracted people here for over 200 years and that give our community its unique character. We are happy that your journey has brought you to Lawrence County, Tennessee – and you will be, too!
Situated in the heart of booming Middle Tennesee, LawCo, as we often refer to Lawrence County, is on the cusp of significant growth, yet as the half a million visitors to David Crockett State Park last year or the culturally-inquisitive guests from all over the world who visit Amish Country here everyday can tell you, our community is still manageably sized and welcoming. We aim to keep it that way while at the same time improving our local economy and maintaining our remarkable quality of life.
Whether you are coming for a day or two or planning to relocate yourself, your family or business, the Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce is here to help. We hope you enjoy this introduction to LawCo and invite you to call on the Chamber to find out even more about our businesses, schools, museums, parks, outdoor attractions, and the wonderful people who feel blessed to call Lawrence County home.
As our county’s most famous citizen, leader and statesman David Crockett advised some two centuries ago: “Be sure that you are right, and then go ahead.” We are certain that you are right on track with your exploration of Lawrence County, so go ahead!
Friday 9:00am-12:30pm
For the most up-to-date hours and information, please contact Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce directly.