Visit Wildlife in Wood Studio and resident award winning artist master woodcarver and rasp master H. Dee Moss inside the Wellwood store at Brooks Shaw's Old Country Store in Casey Jones Village. This Tennessee artist creates one of a kind masterpieces in wood focusing on Tennessee game birds such as mockingbirds, cardinals, eagles, ducks, robins, finches, larks and more. The highlight of the studio is his life-size sculpture of an eagle that took six years to complete.
Casey Jones Village is a family destination that also includes Brooks Shaw's Old Country Store restaurant, Casey Jones Home & Railroad Museum, Providence House, the Village Chapel, the Village Baker, Casey Jones Village Amphitheatre, the Shoppes at Casey Jones Village, Casey Jones Mini Golf and the Judge Milton Brown Pullman Railcar with Walking Wisely Life Services. The Shoppes at Casey Jones Village include Southern Junction, Art in the Village gallery, Little Artist Studio, the Church at the Village and the Bishop's Beard Market. The address is 56 Casey Jones Lane in Jackson, Tennessee. Connect with us at www.facebook.com/oldcountrystore and www.twitter.com/oldcountrystore.
For the most up-to-date hours and information, please contact Wildlife in Wood Studio directly.