The annual Scots-Irish Festival takes place in Historic Downtown Dandridge, TN on the last Saturday of September every year. The festival is 100% sponsor and patron drive allowing for free admission.
Come experience this regions heritage of the Scots-Irish people who settled East Tennessee in the early 1780's. Visitors can expect an array of activities and entertainment from Bagpipe & Drum competitions, Irish Step-Dancing, sheepdog trials, Celtic foods, children's activities, vendors and much more.
For more information on the day's events visit their website www.scotsirishfestival.com or like them on Facebook.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or contributing partner you can find more information about the Thistle Club at www.scotsirishfestival.com
For a full list of events going on in Dandridge and Jefferson County, TN go to VisitJeffersonCountyTN.com
For the most up-to-date hours and information, please contact Dandridge Scots-Irish Festival directly.